Sunday, December 16, 2007

BUCL Sponsor Spotlight

In the first Sponsor Spotlight I highlighted 3 of our first-time sponsors. This time I want to acknowledge 3 of our 3-time sponsors. These 3 always are the first to jump in. Before they even see the campaign proposal they jump in with the money to help.

What can I say about Ziva and what she means to Babalu and BUCL? To say she's fully committed to the cause of Cuban liberty would be the understatement of the century. Here excellent blog, titled simply enough, Blog for Cuba, is an excellent read. Ziva has managed to walk the fine line of maintaining her own blog and contributing here much better than I have. Make sure you click over and check her stuff out.

By my estimation George Utset, through his web site has done more to combat the propaganda put out by castro inc. than any other person or entity that I can think of. It's repository for pictures and video of the real Cuba. The one that the castro brothers hide from the world. Through George we've been able to establish contact with leading dissidents on the island. He's been at it a long time too, jousting windmills at AOL, way back when, where the user forums about Cuba were filled with fidelista propaganda. Certainly a daily read for all us Babalusians.

Claudia, from my hometown of Philly. Another honorary Cuban. The thing I admire most about her is how she opens the eyes of the young people she teaches about a country most would never even be able to point out on a map if it wasn't for her. She also makes some mean pasta. Claudia is selling white Cambio bracelets at her site Claudia4Libertad with the proceeds going to the Lawton Foundation for Human Rights, that's the organization led by the Cuban political prisoner Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet.

If you read and appreciate Babalu, then I suggest you also check out all of our BUCL sponsor sites and blogs.

More profiles to follow.


Anonymous said...

From Ofelia Fox's book CUBA PATRIA EN LAGRIMAS Y EL MENSAJE DE LIANSU. This book is a collection of the manuscripts of Ofelia Fox (Liansu) wife of the owner of the Tropicana cabaret in Havana. Ofelia was the first female radio personality of Spanish radio in Florida and broadcast, without pay, a daily commentary titled "El Mensaje de Liansu."
The message below was broadcast on Tuesday, May 15 of 1962 and appears in pages 48-49 of this book that is, basically, a diary of the first wave of Cuban political refugees:
"Hemos salido de Cuba con dos propósitos: uno, para darle la espalda públicamente al comunismo; el otro, para luchar por la libertad de nuestra patria y regresar a ella con la frente en alto y la satisfacción de no haber sido instrumentos del régimen que tantas atrocidades ha cometido con nuestros hermanos.
Personalmente me opongo a defender mi patria con la sátira en los labios, con la envidia y el egoísmo que muchos demuestran aún en el destierro. No es posible el regreso con solamente el rencor saliendo por cada poro. No es posible luchar por quitarle de encima el yugo de la tiranía a Cuba yendo de reunión en reunión y tirando una piedra aquí y otra allá…generalmente para, después, como la famosa gatica esconder la mano. ¿Que propongo? La dignidad, el decoro y la valentía. La dignidad y el decoro necesarios para enfrentarnos a quienes dicen que abandonamos Cuba porque nos quitaron riquezas. ¡No! Nos fuimos, unos, porque en Cuba no hay libertad y es preciso que el mundo sepa que hay muchos Cubanos que no aceptan ser peones del comunismo internacional; otros por salvar a los hijos de las garras de la tiranía, que, como el nazismo en Alemania, nutrirá sus filas con la juventud Cubana. Y la valentía de seguir defendiendo nuestras ideas. A toda costa y por todos los medios."

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!