Monday, December 10, 2007

News of latest acts of repression in Cuba

A couple of important items.

On the eve of Monday morning's peaceful march in Havana, the organizer of the march is facing mounting intimidation and surveillance by the castro regime. In an email dated Saturday, Dr. Darsi Ferrer explained how neighbors tipped him off to two agents that were following his movements. Below are a couple of pictures of the agents who were dressed in civilian clothes and trying to blend in.

Darsi closes his letter asking that on the eve of the march, for international public opinion to monitor and condemn the injustices that are likely to be committed by the regime.

And speaking of injustices, our friend and BUCL sponsor Ernesto from Penultimos Dias reports that the Sakarov award winning Ladies in White were once again victims of an "Act of Repudiation" (assault by government-sponsored mobs in civilian clothes) as they attempted to march to the "National Assembly of the People's Power"

More from AFP here. Also make sure to go to Child of the Revolution and look at the faces of the women in the regime's mob.


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