Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Iberia Airlines, the latest Spanish business to denigrate Cubans

Take a look at this animated promotional video from Iberia Airlines and then tell me the Spanish care about the plight of Cubans.

I was made aware of the video by George, of who happens to be a sponsor of our current campaign, The campaign for Cuban Independence from Spain. A comment at another campaign sponsor site, sums up my thoughts on the matter:

By now, the Spanish simply cannot claim ignorance of the fact that Cuba is a seriously oppressive, rigidly totalitarian society NONE of them would want for themselves or their loved ones. Yet here they are totally ignoring that, as if it were a trivial matter, and simply serving up visions of mulata tits and ass to eager Spanish customers.

The message is clear: "Never mind that Cubans live in a horrible system under horrible conditions. That can be turned to our advantage. The poor natives are desperate enough to cater to the most repulsive, fat, oily old Spaniard, and the price is quite reasonable. Just look at that succulent mulata flesh, just waiting to be had! So come on down to Cuba, and have a good old time while the getting's still good!"

1 comment:

Cuba Companioni said...

how about a boycott of Iberia for our next campana? after all that's how most of their tourists come to Cuba.